“Where should we put our baby to sleep? Is co-sleeping with baby okay? What is safe co-sleeping with a newborn and what isn’t?” — This is the sleep debate that many parents still have today. As a baby sleepwear...
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Two to Three Year-Old Toddler Sleep Regression Just when you think you have this parenting thing in the bag, your two-year-old, who was sleeping soundly, begins to wake in the night or way too early in the morning. Maybe your...
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By the age of two, most children have spent more time asleep than awake. Toddler sleep is no less important than food, drink, or safety for children. For toddlers, it is critical they get the sleep they need to develop...
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Trying to understand babies' sleep can sometimes feel like figuring out a math equation. From sleep schedules and awake windows to determining when to drop a nap, your baby’s sleep is more of a complex issue than you might have...
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Should you be concerned If your baby sleeps with their mouth open? As a parent, the sight of your baby sleeping peacefully — let alone sleeping at all — can bring a sense of relief. But while you're gawking over...
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